Jumat, 03 Juli 2020

There Can Be Sleepless For Months, Here Are 7 Animals That Sleep Shortly

If friends have a pet cat, surely know that one of his hobbies is sleep.

In a day, cats can spend an average of 15 to 20 hours to sleep. Besides cats, there are also koalas, hippos and lions that have the longest sleep time.

However, it turns out there are also animals that actually have a short sleep time, lo.

Among those who only sleep 30 minutes a day or even can not sleep for months.

1. Elephant

Wow, is a big elephant not exhausted, huh, sustaining its body weight?

It turns out that elephants only have a total of three to four hours of sleep a day.

This sleep time is divided into several time periods.

What about the rest of the time? Most of the other time is spent on elephants in search of food.

When sleeping, elephants will remain standing, or lean on trees and mounds.

2. Bullfrog Frogs

This frog never really falls asleep.

According to researchers, bullfrog frogs can not sleep for months, lo.

When you close your eyes, bullfrog frogs are always on the lookout for threats,

The only time Bullfrog frogs actually sleep is during hibernation in winter.

3. Alpine Swifts

If the apline swifts are planes, they must have a very large aftur reserve.

Just imagine, this bird can fly for 200 days in six consecutive months.

During flight, they did not alight on top of trees or land. So great!

Researchers are also still looking for what resting method is used by this bird.

4. Seals

Lo, isn't the seal a sleeper, huh, Bo?

Yep, seals can easily sleep by standing, floating in the water, reaching the ocean.

Although famous for sleeping in any position, seals are also resistant to not sleeping, lo.

Based on a study, seals can continue to swim and stay awake for approximately 84 hours.

5. Orca Children / Killer Whales

Unlike other baby animals, killer whales do not require much sleep.

In fact, in the first few months of life, the young killer whales do not sleep at all.

In addition to guarding against predators, killer whales also need to keep moving to keep them warm.

This is because he does not yet have a layer of fat on his body.

6. Dolphins

Certainly difficult, huh? Swim and sleep at one time?

This is what makes dolphins have a sleep system called unihemisphiric.

The system allows dolphins to 'half sleep'.

During this half sleep, dolphins deactivate some of the brain and eyes, while the other side stays awake.

That way, not only is always vigilant of predators, dolphins can still rise to the surface to breathe.

7. Giraffe

Giraffes are known to be the most resistant to not sleep here, friends.

When sleeping, a giraffe needs time to get back up so that it can become the target of predators.

So that in a day, the giraffe divides its sleep time into several sleep periods.

Although several times toddler, once sleeping giraffe only takes five minutes, lo.

The total time of sleep is usually not more than 30 minutes, friends.

So little time for a giraffe to sleep, in the 1950s, researchers came to think that a giraffe never slept.

Fortunately, the animals did not go to school, yes. If not, they might fall asleep in class! Hmm ...

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