Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020

Ever See the Symbol of Triangles and Numbers Under Plastic Bottles? This is the Meaning of Each Number!

 Try friends take a bottle or place to eat plastic-based around you.

At the bottom you can usually see there are symbols of triangles and numbers. If you compare with other types of bottles, the numbers could be different.

What do the symbols and numbers really mean?

Triangular symbols represent recycling and figures usually indicate the type of plastic used.

Before using it, we need to know the meaning of the numbers. Because if we use it wrong, it can cause serious problems for ourselves and our environment.

So, what are the meanings of the various numerical symbols in the plastic container?

Number 1

If you see the number one on the recycled triangle label and it says PETE (polyethylene terephthalate), this is usually on a clear or transparent plastic bottle like a mineral water bottle.

This bottle can and is used only once and should not be used to store hot water or warm water.

Why? Because the polymer coating on the plastic container can melt and release carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer.

Number 2

Label with number 2 is different again, usually this label is written HDPE (high density polyethylene).

HDPE is in shampoo bottles, cosmetics and body care equipment and ingredients for toys.

These containers are mostly milky white, but can also be colored with any color, are strong and semi-flexible, and withstand temperatures of minus 17-82 degrees Celsius.

This container should also be used only once.

Number 3

The label with the number 3 V (vinyl) is safe for food and cold drinks and is not good for wrapping hot food because the DEHA material contained can melt and mix with food at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.

Number 4

The label with the number 4 is usually accompanied by the writing LDPE (low density polyethylene) whose plastic type is strong, not transparent but can be translucent and flexible.

Although this material is not easily destroyed, it can be recycled and is well used as a food container.

Number 5

The label number 5 with the words PP (polypropylene) means that this is the best plastic material.

This bottle is really safe if used many times to store food or drinks.

Number 6

PS (polystyrene) is a plastic material labeled 6 which was discovered accidentally by a German pharmacist named Eduard Simon in 1839.

This material is quite dangerous because it can interfere with brain health, disrupt the hormone estrogen in women, and interfere with growth and nervous system.

If this material is burned, it will emit an orange-yellow flame and leave soot or charcoal grains that are smooth and soft.

This label is usually found on egg containers, take-away food wrappers, or on disposable plates and cups.

Number 7

The type label with the number 7 or usually accompanied by the word 'other' is made of SAN (styrene acrylonitrile), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), PC (polycarbonate), and Nylon.

SAN and ABS have high resistance to chemical reactions and temperature, strength, and stiffness.

Usually found in the mixer bowl, thermos wrap, plates, cutlery, coffee filters, and toothbrushes.

While ABS is usually used as a material for making lego and pipe.

PCs can be found in baby milk bottles, glasses for children under three years old, polycarbonate beverage bottles, and food and beverage packaging cans, such as cans of formula milk.

Though this material should not be used for containers or food and drink containers because it is dangerous to health if it experiences a heating process (poured and filled with hot water).

To ensure that the container we use is safe or not, we can see food labels or labels on the packaging.

Well, friends already know right? That every number label on a plastic container that we encounter everyday has different functions and effects when used.

Hopefully we can be more observant to see recycling labels with numbers in the middle, because not all of these materials are safe to use.

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