Jumat, 10 Juli 2020

In order not to cause poisoning, follow the correct way to boil eggs, guaranteed to avoid bacteria

Many friends must often consume eggs right?

Yep, eggs are simple foodstuffs that are loved by many people. That's because eggs can be processed into various dishes.

Also Read: Be Careful Choosing Food! 5 Types of Foods That Can Cause Poisoning, Milk To Eggs

Maybe there are friends who like to eat fried eggs, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, to boiled eggs.

Who here likes to eat boiled eggs?

Do you know? Boiled eggs have the potential to be contaminated by larger bacteria, lo. This is because it is boiled with eggshells which are known to have a lot of bacteria.

Bacteria that can cause us food poisoning. That's why we have to know the right way to boil eggs.

Here Bobo gives three easy tips to boil eggs that are true and also safe. Listen, yes!

1. Use cold or hot water?

When putting eggs into a pan in hot water conditions do require faster time.

But that way actually makes the egg crack because it is shaken by boiling hot water so the shell easily cracks.

If the shell is cracked, usually the egg white will come out between the cracks, thus making the appearance look unclean and beautiful.

The right way is to use medium temperature water, although it takes longer but the eggs will not crack.

2. When boiling eggs

Egg yolks will become harder after boiling for about 6 minutes.

To get rid of bacteria attached to the eggs, add 2 to 4 minutes so that the bacteria are completely gone.

But if you think boiling eggs too long is also not the right way.

Because the nutritional and mineral content in eggs will be reduced.

Another bad effect is that if you boil an egg for too long it will experience protein degeneration which will actually affect your health.

3. How to prevent cracked eggs

If you've put eggs in cold water but still cracked, try giving air using a needle.

Or we can also use lime slices so the eggshells don't crack and have a beautiful appearance when peeled.

The method is quite easy, we only need to add the orange slices together when the water starts to heat up.

Oh yes, sometimes we like to eat eggs that are not fully cooked or undercooked.

Actually this is good for us or not, huh? Check out the explanation below.

Are Half-Mature Eggs Safe?

Sometimes we deliberately ask mom to cook half-cooked eggs for us.

But at certain times mothers can serve half-cooked eggs without being asked, for example when mothers are in a hurry and have little time.

Eggs do contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and even omega-3 fatty acids that are not found in other foods.

Although half-cooked eggs taste delicious, but some others consider these foods unhealthy and prone to spread disease.

We also wonder, does this mean we cannot eat half-cooked eggs?

Unfortunately, younger siblings (under five years old) are not recommended to eat undercooked eggs.

According to an expert in nutrition and health, children under 5 years old should only eat cooked eggs.

This is because eggs that are not cooked properly are prone to contain Salmonella bacteria which can harm the body.

Dangers of Salmonella Infection

In fact, it's not just kids like us who are encouraged to avoid eggs that are undercooked.

Even adults should not consume eggs that are cooked in a half-cooked way.

Especially for people who have a low immune system, such as us (children) or the elderly, are more prone to falling ill due to Salmonella infection.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration Agency (FDA), contaminated eggs cause around 142,000 cases of Salmonella infection per year.

In fact, the most common cause of food poisoning occurs due to Salmonella infection from eggs.

Eggs should be cooked and eaten when fully cooked. The heat used to cook eggs can kill Salmonella bacteria in the egg.

Conversely, when the eggs are not cooked until they are fully cooked, there will be a possibility that Salmonella bacteria will remain and infect our bodies, friends.

When Salmonella bacteria successfully enter the body, it will cause symptoms similar to those of food poisoning.

Salmonella infection symptoms include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, to fever.

To maintain our health from disease, make sure the yolk and egg whites we are going to eat are really ripe, yes, friends!

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