Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

One is Good for Diabetes Patients, This Benefits the Water Content of Mango Leaf Stew

Manga is a tropical fruit that is popular in Indonesia. Because this fruit is a seasonal fruit so the mango harvest season is always awaited, friends.

The taste of manga is sweet, some are sour. But, the content of this fruit is important for the body, for example there are various vitamins ranging from vitamins B6, A, E, B5, and K.

Not to mention, there are many polyphenols that function as antioxidants, or compounds that help fight free radicals in our body. One of them is mangiferin.

Oh yes, not only mangoes that contain good for the body, but also the leaves.

Mango leaves can even be consumed or boiled to be used as tea, lo.

In fact, drinking boiled water of mango leaves can also provide several benefits.

Previously, we find out first how to make boiled water of mango leaves, let's.

How to Make Mango Leaf Tea

Mango leaf boiled water is also known as mango leaf tea, friends.

We can make the mango leaves by boiling about 10-15 fresh mango leaves, using 150 ml of water.

Don't forget, mango leaves must be cleaned from dirt first, yes.

In addition to making your own, mango leaves are also packaged in the form of powders, extracts, or supplements.

Mango leaf powder can be brewed for tea too. In fact, this powder can also be a mixture of ointment, friends.

Benefits of Drinking Mango Leaf Tea

The benefits of using mango leaves have been proven in tube studies or animal studies. Thus, special research in humans still needs to be done.

But, based on these studies, the possibility of consuming mango leaves can provide the following benefits:

Can Help Maintain A Healthy Weight

A healthy weight is needed to prevent the body from experiencing conditions of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Based on animal studies, mango leaf extract can prevent the accumulation of fat in cell tissue.

Other studies in mice have shown that cells treated using mango leaf extract have decreased fat accumulation and high adiponectin levels.

Adiponectin is a protein that plays a role in the metabolism and regulation of sugar in the body. In fact, higher levels can protect the body from obesity and chronic diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Can Help Diabetes Patients

In connection with its previous function, consuming mango leaves can be beneficial for diabetic patients.

Research on mice showed that after 2 weeks of extracting mango leaves, mice experienced a decrease in triglyceride fat, as well as blood sugar levels.

Research on other types of mice found that in certain doses, mango leaf extract can help reduce hyperlipidemia.

Hyperlipidemia is a condition that is usually characterized by high levels of triglycerized fats and cholesterol.

This is beneficial for diabetic patients because high levels of triglyceride fat in the body are often associated with type 2 diabetes and disorders of the hormone insulin that regulate blood sugar levels.

Can Provide Anticancer Compound Intake

Inside the mango leaves, there is mangiferin which is an antioxidant.

Mangiferin has the potential to be an anticancer compound. The reason is that one of its functions is to fight oxidative stress and fight inflammation.

Tube research shows that mangiferin has an effect against several types of cancer cells.

However, this matter still needs further investigation.

Can Give Intake of Anti-inflammatory Compounds

Mangiferin in mangoes can provide anti-inflammatory properties, friends.

Inflammation that lasts continuously for a long time in the body can indeed increase the risk of various diseases.

Animal studies show that the anti-inflammatory properties of mango leaf content can also protect the brain from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's conditions which interfere with brain function.

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