Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020

Sad, There is Plastic in the Stomachs of the Residents of the Mariana Trench, Even though the Species Are Newly Found

Have you heard about the Mariana Trench, haven't you?

The Mariana Trench is the trench where the world's deepest point is.

But did you know? Even deep in the deepest places, scientists found plastic waste produced by humans on land.

Sadly, recently there was even a new species found in the Mariana Trench, but in his stomach there was plastic.

Plastic Trash in the Stomach of New Species Found in the Mariana Trench

The team of researchers from Newcastle University in England discovered a new species of amphipod, which is a crustacean animal.

The new amphipod species was found at a depth of 6,000 meters below sea level, in the Mariana Trench.

Unfortunately, when researched, scientists found that in the stomach of the new species of amphipod there was plastic debris.

The size of the plastic debris is so small, or commonly called microplastic.

The researchers examined the type of plastic and found that the plastic in the stomach of the amphipod was plastic type PET (polyethylene terephthalate).

PET plastic is usually used as a beverage and food packaging. PET plastic is made as a disposable plastic, but can be recycled.

Unfortunately, the plastic was actually wasted and caused global pollution, even to a remote place and not inhabited by humans.

Newly Discovered Species A Reminder of Humans

Researcher Alan Jamieson from the University of Newcastle in England said that the new species discovered had been contaminated, so researchers could no longer understand the species in its natural environment which was not contaminated.

Seeing the state of the amphipod species that carries plastic in its stomach, scientists named it Eurythenes plasticus.

The naming was deliberately made to remind the world population that the impact of pollution in the sea is very dangerous.

Garbage that reaches the ocean not only makes the environment dirty, but also disrupts the life of marine life.

The discovery of species that have been contaminated with garbage is increasingly explaining that the problem of plastic waste is very big impact.

This is because human activities can affect the lives of living things living in remote places.

Plastic in the Ocean

According to 2015 research, there are at least 8 million tons of plastic entering the ocean every year.

The plastic that enters the sea breaks down into smaller parts and eventually becomes microplastic, which is eaten by animals, even animals that live in the Mariana Trench.

Plastic that does not decompose in the digestion of animals can cause blockages, so there is no room for food anymore and actually absorb harmful compounds.

Poor, right, friends?

Eurythenes plasticus is not the only animal whose life is disrupted by plastic debris reaching the ocean.

Therefore, in order to preserve our Earth for all living things, we together reduce the use of disposable plastics and recycle as much as possible the recycled material, let's!

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