Senin, 13 Juli 2020

Repel Mice Without Traps, Use 3 Ingredients in the Kitchen, One Baking Soda

 Mice become one of the animals that are considered as pests in the house.

If there are mice that enter the house, as a result the house becomes dirty, and even some things become damaged by being eaten by rats.

Usually, parents will set mousetraps or traps to catch mice so that the house is free from rodents.

Now, in addition to setting a mousetrap, there are other ways you can get rid of mice in the house.

The trick is to use some ingredients that are easily found at home.

These ways we can tell parents to put into practice so that the house is free of rats, yes!

 Clove oil made from cloves can be used to ward off mice

As one of the herbs, cloves have a distinctive aroma or smell.

In addition to whole cloves that are commonly used for cooking, cloves can also be used as clove oil.

Clove oil can be used to treat skin problems, such as being bitten by an insect.

But clove oil can also be a powerful way to repel mice, lo, because the aroma is not liked by mice.

The trick is to drip about 20-30 drops of clove oil on cotton.

Then place the cotton that has been given clove oil in a place that is passed through or becomes a rat's nest.

Cotton can be replaced if it no longer smells, yes, friends.

 Baking soda

If friends or parents at home like making cakes, there must be baking soda in the kitchen.

Now, in addition to making cakes, baking soda can also be used to repel mice at home.

How to use it quite easily, here, friends, by sprinkling baking soda in a place that is often passed by rats.

Swallowing baking soda that we have sprinkled will cause a reaction in the rat's stomach, which is the gas that cannot get out.

This will make the rats leave our homes because they feel there is a threat in the house.

 Cayenne pepper

For friends who don't like spicy food, it will definitely avoid foods made from chili.

Chili was also not liked by rats, here, friends, so that chili is a powerful material to repel rats.

How to use chili to repel mice at home is to make a pepper spray.

Chili spray can be made from several types of chili that are mixed, then boiled in one or two liters of water.

Boil the chili until it is destroyed, then let the cooking water cool, then strain the chili water.

This chili cooking water friends can put in a spray bottle, then spray in various areas or areas that are often traversed by rats.

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