Jumat, 03 Juli 2020

Don't Happen to Cats at Home! These 8 Mistakes Caring for Cats

 Keeping a cat does look easy. It seems we just need to feed, drink and invite him to play.

However, it turns out that caring for cats also requires accuracy and the right decision. Do not let us make these eight mistakes when caring for cats.

Anything? Come on, find out everything!

1. Close the Door

Cats love freedom and need as much open space as possible. Cats will feel much happier when all the doors in our house are open.

That's why cats like to try to open doors when we're in a closed room. They are trying to control their territory.

2. Punishing Cats for Indiscriminate Defecation

If our pet cat suddenly stops using its toilet, we as the owner must feel a little upset.

However, it could be a form of anger at us cats. In this case, we must find out the reason and resolve the problem immediately.

Sometimes cats urinate carelessly if they move to another house or if a new family member appears whether it is a human or another animal.

In both cases, there is no point in punishing cats, we just need to wait until our cats feel calm.

3. Using One Place for Many Cats

If friends have two or more cats, each of them must have a set of "personal items", lo.

Personal items include bowls, beds, toys, bowls, and so on.

If not, one cat will try to dominate the other and they will fight every day.

4. Store Food in Other Places Besides the Packaging

The original packaging of cat food is made to keep it from drying out and losing its beneficial substances.

We are not advised to put cat food in a bag or other place, or buy food that is stored in retail packaging.

5. Pull the cat's claws or nails

In many countries, it is forbidden to pull out a cat's claws or nails.

Because later, the cat will experience pain when walking. They also could not jump or climb trees anymore. Poor thing ...

6. Ignore the Cat's Snoring at Night

Constant purring indicates that your cat has some problems with its respiratory system.

There are some other signs such as cuts to the nose, and the mouth is always open is a sign that our cats can not breathe properly.

In such cases, it's best to take your pet cat to the vet.

7. Put the Food Bowl next to the Water Bowl

Cats prefer cold, fresh water. That is why water for cats must always be clean.

To keep it clean, don't put it next to a bowl of food. Because, food particles and feathers can enter the water.

Some cats are seen drinking from a toilet or sink. This is a sign that the water in their bowl is dirty.

8. Shaving the Cat's Fur

Cutting fur is very stressful for cats, lo. Cut the cat's fur if absolutely necessary as if the cat has a hair ball or if we are preparing it for surgery.

If to reduce hair loss, it is advisable to bathe and comb our cat's fur regularly.

A cat with trimmed fur won't be able to lie in the sun for a long time because there will be a risk of sunburn.

Even a small breeze can make a cat feel cold.

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