Jumat, 07 Agustus 2020

The Threat of Disaster Behind Plastic Bags

The paid plastic bag policy, which the Government has piloted on February 21 2016, is said to have begun to show results in Jakarta. However, there was the threat of a bigger catastrophe that was still not inevitable with it.

"During the survey in Jakarta, 103 respondents (46.4 percent) no longer used plastic (bags) (when shopping)," said Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) researcher Natalya Kurniawati as quoted by Kompas.com on Wednesday (13/4 / 2016).

The YLKI survey which involved 222 respondents in Jakarta also found that 83 consumers admitted to using less than 3 plastic bags, 29 people using 3-4 bags, and 7 respondents using more than 4 bags.

From this research, the majority of respondents seem to have started to reduce or even not use plastic bags when shopping and choose to bring shopping bags or bags from home. The research was conducted by YLKI from March 1, 2016 to April 6, 2016, to monitor the effectiveness of the paid plastic bag policy.

However, YLKI feels that the paid plastic policy is not effective enough, with data that many respondents still use plastic bags from retail stores even though they are charged an additional price. The survey above is also relatively limited in scope. In fact, the threat from using plastic still looms over the Earth.


Based on Greeneration's research in 2009, one person in Indonesia uses an average of 700 plastic bags per year. If accumulated, there are more than 100 billion plastic bags — the production of which consumes 12 million barrels of oil — used by Indonesians per year.

With a benchmark price of Rp. 200 - the benchmark in government policy based on an agreement with the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) - it was found that each person spent an average of Rp. 140,000 just to pay for plastic bags, if the habit of using the bags did not change.

Even if the nominal is considered insignificant, the pile of trash from plastic bags that cannot quickly decompose in nature will be a bigger threat to life and the ecosystem.

What's more, land for landfills (TPA) in Indonesia is increasingly limited. The high pile of waste that does not decompose quickly, such as plastic, will be mounting and is prone to causing disasters in itself.

Disaster caused by garbage — mostly plastic-dominated — hit Indonesia on February 21, 2005. At that time, 157 people were lost in vain and two villages were wiped off the map because they were hit by an avalanche of rubbish from TPA Leuwigajah, Bandung.

A further threat that threatens is found a lot of plastic waste in the sea. The research of Jenna R Jambeck and friends in 2015 proved that Indonesia was the second largest contributor of plastic waste to the sea after China.

From this research, Indonesia is said to be responsible for 3.2 million tons of plastic waste floating in the ocean. Marine biota, such as plankton, fish and seabirds, can consume plastic waste.

The situation will worsen when plastic waste enters the food chain from the chain of facts. The heart's intention is to increase nutritional intake by eating a seafood menu, it could be that the plastic waste in the fish's body is swallowed if this condition occurs.

Moreover, many Indonesians today still depend on the sea and their livelihoods. If you care, just start reducing the use of plastic in your daily activities. For example, from bringing your own recurring bags or pouches from home.

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