Jumat, 07 Agustus 2020

The Story of the Earth-Helping Plastic Bag, which is Precisely Now Hated

Plastic bags seem to be the hated items on the planet. The increase in waste production and environmental pollution caused by plastic has made the public turn to bags that are considered holier such as paper.

However, is using a paper bag better than plastic?

In the 1950's the plastic bag was created to help save the planet. Raoul Thulin, on the BBC YouTube show How Plastic Bags Were Supposed to Help The Planet said that in 1959 in Sweden many people used paper bags for their daily needs. However, the production of paper bags actually harmed the environment because it required cutting down lots of trees.

Also Read: Disaster Threats Behind Plastic Bags

Raoul's father, Sten Gustaf Thulin, created the plastic bag we know today. Sten came up with the idea of ​​making plastic bags because he needed a strong, lighter, and durable bag material. So people can use it repeatedly.

Sten also thought that the new bag should be environmentally friendly by reducing the massive cutting of trees at that time.

Muhammad Ghozali, Researcher from the LIPI Chemical Research Center said that plastic does have a stronger strength and mechanics than paper.

"Plastics do have better water and air resistance than paper, if they are exposed to moisture it will break down over time, make sure it's damp," said Ghozali to National Geographic Indonesia via telephone.

Meanwhile, Eric Steinberger, weather scientist on BBC YouTube said that plastic bags are very efficient to make because they require less oil and less energy.

In the video, Raoul said that his father always carried a plastic bag in his pocket for daily needs. The plastic can be used many times to carry things.

However, in the Kiwari era, problems arose because plastic bags made people lazy. We throw it away immediately after we finish using the plastic bag.

As a result, many countries have policies to pay for plastic or not use plastic at all. Meanwhile, the public is turning to paper bags back.

Ghozali said that using paper bags is not the main solution to reducing environmental damage. However, it changes the human mindset when using single-use plastics. He also suggested using plastic or burning it in the right place.

"My suggestion is not to collect the plastic but burn it in a perfect incinerator. Maybe it could be provided at the RT level. As well as using plastic bags when we buy something at the store. Once we return home, it can be used several times until it breaks, "said Ghozali.

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