Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

3 Ways To Create Top Quality Blog Content

Do you have any interesting ideas for your blog content? But after you've struggled to make some articles for your blog, you just realize that your article is less interesting and very little seen by visitors?

If you are challenged to create quality blog content and appeal to visitors then you should read this to completion.
This article will discuss thoroughly various tips to create quality content ranging from tools and tactics you need to create content that is appealing to visitors aiming to increase visitor and to develop blog / website.

1. Write the content is really needed by the visitor

Is the biggest problem which is owned by the visitors of your blog? In a sense, if the reason for visitors to visit your blog? Visitor definitely visit your blog because they want to find answers or solutions to any problems they experienced. Your blog is not about business, but about the visitors who visit your blog, put yourself as a visitor who wants to find a solution to what they are experiencing.

If you want to attract or influence your visitors to "buy" anything that you offer on your blog, then focus on what they are looking for and also you should be able to provide solutions like the problems they are experiencing.

The more you create content that can help your visitor, then they will be more interested in your blog.

So, how can you know about the solution that is being sought by the visitor?

After you long struggle with your business on your field, chances are you already know what customers are looking for.
But if you're just starting from scratch, or you want to know what is really wanted by your customers. You can create a survey using free tools such as Survey Monkey or Google Docs.

Take the "keywords" of your survey answers do

Once you have the answers to the survey that you do, you'll see some repeated phrases from survey answers you already have.
Repeated phrase that can vary such as "weight loss" or "herbal" or "herbal medicine" (If the phrase is repeated more than one, you should take the focus of one of them).

Take one phrase over and over again, then use Google Adword Keyword Tool to find an alternative so that you get the appropriate keywords for your blog / website that will have you up.

Use phrases that you get on Adword Keyword Tool, then select "Exact Match" and press "search"

Google Adword Keyword Tool will provide you with some keywords related to the phrase that you used earlier. In addition you will also get information on the number of search with those keywords for 30 days. In addition you will also know the level of competition of the keyword. You'll also learn the value per click of the keyword. This is an indicator of your level of difficulty in the face of such competition.

Column Global Monthly Search and Local Monthly Search will tell you the number of the search on a specific keyword. You should focus on the keywords that have high search volume when you want to create content for your blog.

Once you get the keywords that are most promising in your opinion, go to Google Insights for Search. After that, then scroll down and look at the Top Search and Rising Searches.

Top Searches will give you a view of what people look for today, while Rising Search will give you views on the keywords that will be much sought after in future.

Creating quality content before it becomes mainstream topic can bring tremendous traffic on your blog. Other bloggers tend to cite your content when they post content to their blogs, this course will create inbound links to your blog, besides the search engines also will award your blog a high SERP position because Adan content that has been aged.

Is the business benefits you get from 3000 new prospect every year who have never heard of your business?

You also have to put your best keywords into Google Alerts. Every day Google will provide news, blog posts, and even tweets to your inbox on the best keywords. It is all the capital to create quality content that will keep your customers interested.

2. Answer the Not Answered Questions

People usually visit a website to find the answers and suggestions. Your audience is not different, they also come to your website to find the answers and  solutions.

Answer their questions on your blog is the best way to attract and keep them interested in your blog.


Chances are you will get emails from customers to get advice and suggestions.

Do not answer their questions, not then you do not answer their questions. But do not answer their questions immediately.

When someone asks you a question, and the possibility of other people have the same question, this is an excellent opportunity to create a content that is able to answer what they want.

Whatever the question, you can conclude that a lot of people out there who have the same case with your blog audience. When they tried to find an answer via Google, then Google will not usually give an answer but would refer him to other sources, such as it is on your website. You should be able to utilize these questions and menjadikanya a quality content and are able to provide a solution to your audience.

3. Find the questions that are asked by your customers

Next, you need to know what your customers want to know now. Do some research to find the questions they want.
Quore, Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn Answers

3 names above are some of the sites Q & A (question and answer) the internet is now the most popular. People are asking questions on the websites above and the category in all areas, ranging from education, manufacturing, management, household, health and other issues.

But not because the question was there who asked and answered and the matter is finished. Your chance to use these questions as an idea of ​​the content you create is still very large. You can give different analysis and answer the question would then make it a quality content.
Then, visit the websites above and then get questions appropriate to your concept, then from there you will have an idea for arrange your content.

Keyword Question

This is one of the favorite tools to fill the blog with an interesting question, even though you are still a newbie in the world of blogging or for those who have long been in the blogging world.

WordTracker Keyword Questions is an appropriate tool to find questions that have been raised with your keywords in it.
If you use this tool, it would be better if you use words that are too general and not specific, for example, you should use the word "golf" instead of using the word "golf tips".

Take advantage of FAQ's Your Competitors

You certainly know what it's FAQ's, yeah FAQ's are the questions most frequently asked by visitors. But did you know that the FAQ's are very rarely updated and even after all these years FAQ's questions never change? Your task is to find the questions FAQ's on your competitor's site and then analyze these questions and give answers to be fresh and useful content on your website.

I'm not suggesting you steal ideas from your competitors, questions usually have a definition in it. You must answer based on your experience, with your own point of view and purely the result of your thinking.

Section Comments

Comment on blog posts often contain follow-up questions regarding the original content. Unfortunately many of these questions can not be answered properly, even eased the situation of them missed. This is an opportunity for you to raise these questions then process the answer is a quality blog content that can provide solutions to your visitor.

If someone asks you a question in the comments section of your blog, you should also consider creating a new content as an answer to the question. Then reply to that question by showing a link from the content you have created as an answer to that question.

Visit popular blogs because they usually have more comments. Collect questions and then make the answer and publish the answer on your own blog.

While you gather questions from email, Web Q & A, Keyword Questions, FAQ from competitors or the comments section, you have to provide something fresh to your audience so as to attract them. Your blog post will make it easier audience to find the answer.


If you want to attract larger visitors to visit your website, you have to continue to create content that appeals to them, even if it does not appeal to you.

By researching your keywords, you have revealed a little more about what your audience is looking for. You can build a blog to build your business.

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