Senin, 29 Juni 2020

Today Carrot is Identical with Orange Color, Initially Carrot Turns Purple!

Carrots are famous as one of the foods that are widely consumed because it is believed to be good for eye health.

In addition, carrots are also famous as food ingredients that are orange.

The orange color in carrots is caused by the presence of beta carotene content.

Beta carotene is an organic compound that is good for the body and later the beta carotene content will be converted into vitamin A which can maintain eye health.

But the consumption of beta carotene must be limited, because it can cause carotenemia.

Carotenemia is a condition in which skin discoloration turns orange.

The reason is because there is too much beta-carotene in our blood that comes from foods with beta-carotene that we consume.

Excess beta carotene in the blood will stick to areas of the body that have thicker skin, such as palms, soles, knees, elbows, or folds around the nose.

Carrots used to be Purple

Today, carrots that we always find on the market are orange, but these orange-colored carrots didn't exist until the 17th century, lo.

Before the 17th century most carrots were purple, friends.

Besides purple, actually at that time there were also carrots in various other colors, such as yellow, white, and orange.

Although there were orange carrots, there were not as many as purple carrots at the time.

It is estimated, purple carrots originated from carrot cultivation around Afghanistan until around the 16th century.

In 900 AD, mostly domesticated carrots in Central Asia were purple.

Whereas in Europe, North Africa and West Asia, purple carrots are clay carrots with a center of diversity in Afghanistan.

Carrots that were purple before the 17th century were caused by the presence of a pigment called anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin is a water soluble pigment found naturally in several types of plants.

The name anthocyanin itself comes from a combination of two words in Greek, namely anthos which means flower and cyanos which means blue.

Anthocyanin pigments will give color to plants, such as flowers, leaves, fruit, to green plants.

As a result of the presence of anthocyanin pigments, plants can be blue, purple, green, or even red and pink.

Since the 17th Century, More Orange Carrots

If carrots were originally purple, then why are orange carrots more common now and since when have orange carrots been more numerous?

It is estimated that these orange carrots began to be widely bred in the 17th century.

Initially, the possibility of orange carrots planted by farmers in the Netherlands through a cross or mutation of white carrots, yellow carrots, and wild carrots.

Actually, when compared to purple carrots, white carrots are preferred by people in some countries, friends.

The reason, purple carrots contain water-soluble anthocyanin pigments, so that when cooked, purple carrots will release purple and the entire dish will be purple.

This is why, around the end of the 16th century, Dutch farmers began developing orange carrots which were high in beta-carotene levels.

After this development, orange carrots began to appear in various European countries and the Western Mediterranean through gradual selection, until finally spreading to other countries.

Oh yes, although orange carrots do not release anthocyanin pigments such as purple carrots, if we consume too much carrots, this can make the skin become somewhat orange, which is also called carotenemia.

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